Saturday, March 9, 2019
How Does Steinbeck Present Disadvantaged Characters
Explore some of the slipway in which Steinbeck presents di worrisomevantaged characters in the novel In 1937, the American fountain caper Steinbeck published Of mice and work force. Set in the Salinas V completelyey of California, it conveys the story of the struggles of the American populate during The Great Depression. The Great Depression was a massive wipeout byout the whole of America w present concourse suffered and the economy was at a huge crisis. The Unemploywork forcet rose from 3% to 26% and many people had died, c over how hard the citizens coped to survive in-between this difficult dot.The Americans were in a depriving pecuniary state full of high inflation after an economic sicken get byn as the The Wall Street Crash The nation only helped themselves by believing in their own dreams, which meant mostly to amaze their own lands, be rich and live a good- invigoration- The American Dream. This ideology gave the domain hopes of spirit and something to work t owards. John Steinbeck does non only explore how people struggled for their American dream, but to a fault describes how difficult this melancholy period in history was for the lesser group of individuals at the metre the deprived characters.Lennie, a vauntingly uncomplicated character, is a highly disadvantaged individual collectable to poor mental health. As Lennie is one of the predominant characters in Of Mice and Men, he is perhaps the least dynamic. He experiences no change in developing or growing in mental or interoperable abilities the plain figure remains as illustrated at the start of the interruption pages in the novel. Although his character is displayed in this way, despite being under(a) favour he is based as a central protagonists in the story. Steinbeck conveys a general initiative to his readers that, Lennies actions make great affection.Being basic makes his choices virtuously incorrect- this lay outs his difficulties. Steinbeck uses the character of Len nie to symbolise the mentally underprivileged people of this period. Lets ingest antithetic colour rabbits, George. Pg 16 Just aint bright24 Steinbeck shows his readers the stage of which Lennies mind is developed still ilk a childs, change surface though he is a fully-grown man. From the start of the novella, the reader must know that Steinbeck creates an illustration of Lennie as sadly being doomed, and must be compassionate towards him.This is a construction built to present to the reader at the original time of the 1920s a huge disadvantage to the mentally handicapped society. The truthful-minded character of Lennie also leads him to lack in responsibility and trust. He is shown to have no knowledge of any financial or general spirit problems, therefore Steinbeck creates a main part for George to play in, and this is where he has to pull in ones horns the weight on his shoulders for Lennie. if you jus happen to get in trouble the likes of you incessantly done before, I want you to come right here an hide in the brush, Leggo his hand, Lennie, 64 You tol me to George,64 The author is arduous to portray an kitchen stove to his readers that Lennie cannot opine for his self and has to be controlled this is another(prenominal) big under privilege towards the mentally handicapped people. Lennie also speaks without grammatical perceive and this shows he is uneducated and not taught to talk proper English, they was so small pg 11 Dont tell no consistency PG61 Lastly the biggest let down for the simple minded figure is not being able to adapt a level of under stand to the normal person , Lennie cannot tell the strength he applies or has when use.This makes him really innocent when attacking someone without knowing, He also loves to pet animals and furry material but while this process, as he is a salutary figure, he kills the being. Dont you go yellin, he said, and shook her and her body flopped like a fish. And past she was still, for Lennie had b roken her neck. 90 The author uses the contrive and repetitively showing how dramatic the moment is. Steinbeck depicts towards his audience that Lennie was only trying to quite Curleys wife but accidentally fails as he cannot handle his abnormal great strength.This use of dramatics and panic shows where Lennie is innocent. From my conniption I think Lennie is also based upon the theme of an animal, there atomic number 18 atomic number 18as where Steinbeck refers to Lennie as animal like Hes as strong as a bull the way a bear drags his pours In addition, Steinbeck uses the comparison of Candys dog and Lennie to depict the value and status of less mentally capable individuals. Just how candys dog is eradicated once he becomes useless, the same image is created for Lennie as his fate is controlled and chosen by the normal cattle farm hands.Similarly, The death of Lennie, is constructed as an illustration towards the readers that his own friend kills him because it is a necessit y. The author is portraying to his readers that until now George, Lennies tightest companion, shoots him out of sympathy so his friend does not go done the wrath of Curleys torturing death. This conveys to us that the people of the 1930s thought it was right to consider a death of a mentally handicapped because it was obligatory,Of mice and men, shows a great emphasised picture, where a very close friendship is ended.The dramatics used by Steinbeck when showing us George kills his best colleague Lennie, tells the reader how life was a great hardship for the discrimination against the mentally handicapped, curiously when it was very unlikely to see two friends travelling together. The book demonstrates this concept by putting the rights of a dog identical to the rights of a mentally incapable(p) person. Today, this sought of situation is taken seriously, where the rights for any being is equally judged. Steinbeck presents another character which I think is one of the most hinde red upon-Crooks.Crooks is highly discriminated, especially at this time, because he is scandalous. He is a filthy man that lives in America at the time of segregation from the colour of his skin. This was tragic and sad for the black community as they were marginal. Living as a black man being employed was one of the most hardest job, this caused a standoff of unemployment for the coloured public . The only upper hand crooks had was a job in the ranch, it still was very risky, the boss beat him for no reason, but this was all he could do for a living. Spose you didnt have nobody. Spose you couldnt go to the bunk family line and play rummy cause you was black. 72. Steinbeck often demonstrates towards his audience that Crooks is a victim of isolation and loneliness, this illustrates the high level of prejudice and separation against the black pagan minority of the 1930s. Crooks use of the word Spose twice in short time to show the emphasis of his feelings. The appearance and ph ysical disability of Crooks also makes him impoverished, he has a crooked back and thus is called by the name Crooks . Now and then he poured a few drops of the liniment into his pink-palmed hand and reached up under his shirt to rub again.He flexed his muscles against his back and shivered. 67. Steinbeck provides his readers with a comment for the appearance of Crooks. This description shows us where Crooks is named by the ranch hands. When Steinbeck uses this method, he produces nicknames to portray to his readers how the men do not take any interest in knowing a full name this shows the loneliness. The black community was often assaulted by the light public, this was a great hardship in the 1930s. I could get you arrange up on a tree so easy it aint yet funny. 80 Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. There was no personality, no ego- nothing to elicit either like or dislike. 80. The black minority was too downgraded and this citation is evident. When any black man spoke fo r his self, he was threatened and could not fight on. Steinbeck submites to his readers how life was for the black people when abused. As he is black, Crooks is nonintegrated from the other workers, this causes a great amount of desolation, he is trapped in solitude day and night and resorts to reading books.In the novel, when Lennie enters Crooks room, at first his reception is to be alone and unwanted but then his lack of unsociability wins over him and allows Lennie to set in. During his conversation, Crooks reveals his sorrow of being alone, segregated and divined from others. I seen it over an over a guy talkin to another guy and it dont make no difference if he dont key out or understand. He is referring to Lennie but actually talking of himself. Steinbeck creates an image to his reader, how the life of someone already disliked, deprives as he is lonely and separated.In the 1930s, Steinbeck shows his readers where the black peoples status stood and where they were disadva ntaged. The use of the word n**ger was normal for people to remark, this dependable portrays how downgraded the black community were. I think as Crooks was in the bracket of an ethnic minority, he was extremely unlucky and discriminated, the author shows us another disadvantaged character based at the time of the novella. From the perspective of Curleys wife, I think that John Steinbeck uses analogy to represent the place for cleaning woman and how they were the underdogs towards the men.Living in the manlike world, Curleys wife is mostly shown as a bad sign as she is an uncommon person in the ranch. She undergoes a difficult and antagonistic period through her life. You wasnt no good. You aint no good now, you lousy tart94 Well, aint she a looloo? 51 I aint seen that much of her, PG 51 When whit describes her as this it shows what they think of her, also the emphasis of George speaking when saying, I aint seen that much of her, shows the sustainment and intensity that he does n ot relegate when he replies. In the antecedent of the novel, Steinbeck introduces Curleys wife through Candys description.The critical comments render the reader to have a negative opinion as she seems to be a woman in a male world. Ive seen her give slim the eye an Ive seen her give Carlson the eye. (pg 29) By classifying Curleys wife as a flirt, she is effectively prohibited from the men. There are certain areas where Curleys wifes image is described evil and unhappy, Steinbeck tries to portray towards his readers that when she is there the supposition is struck negatively and falls immediately at her presence, Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off. A girl was standing there looking in.She had full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house set up and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers. Im lookin for Curley,she said. Her region had a nasal, brittle quality. PG 32 From this extract of the book, there are different ways in which the author describes Curleys wife as a cynical progress at this moment of the story. Steinbeck shows us that as soon as she comes in the sunlight is cut off- blocking the admirable scene.Even with the c chancehing, Curleys wife wears a lot of the colour red conveying the evil colour and the emphasis of her voice when she speaks, Her voice had a nasal, brittle quality. Steinbeck describes the disadvantages women had when she is first illustrated. Throughout the book, Curleys wifes character is moderately mysterious and complicated. She is continuously referred to as her husbands belonging or possession, this shows us where she is unidentified, through this misidentification we can figure out her status as a woman she did not need to be known.Steinbecks use of identification against Curleys wife is her most disadvantage. When some one has no identification, it describes to the reader where his or her news report is, the name Curleys wife portrays an image that her name is a tool, possess by her husband and is not much importance. Through the book she is foreshadowed in many areas, where her sly flirty actions lead to hazardous trouble, despite this matter, when reading between the lines, the reader is made to show some part of sympathy to express towards her.The author also uses other ways to describe the loneliness and emotions in the book, words like solitaire (meaning a card game played by one person), shows us how he referred to the people working at the ranch as desolate and unsocial, he also uses nick names, except for George and Lennie, such as Slim or Curley, this is another sign, of the low and sad mood. In the novel, there are a few areas where the writer presents short bouncing sentences to show the effects, The silence came into the room. And the silence lasted. 9 Additionally, Steinbeck choo ses the use of circulation in situations, just like a life cycle, In each chapter the setting in the beginning is the setting at the end, this conveys a message that the situation always ends at point one, , for example Lennie and George have a dream in the beginning which is just a plain dream that has no hope, it develops as the book stages itself at chapter 3 ,in the middle, there is sudden hope and it looks like an easy grab, but it circulates and drops back down, where Lennie kills Curleys wife, this illustrates the method of death and that there is no hope left.John Steinbeck the author reveals to his audience how, in a general view, people were highly disadvantaged especially at the time of discrimination towards them. He mentions three obvious characters , Lennie, Crooks and Curleys wife. These individuals all have main deficiencies and all have different types of disadvantages. Steinbeck uses a mentally handicapped individual, a black physically disabled man and a women in a males world, this shows us an occurring simulate from the author, trying to describe the sadness and discrimination to people at the time of The Great DepressionThe novel, Of Mice and Men depicts to the readers how the daily struggles for the working class were, being greatly underprivileged and the reality of failing plans for a living, resembling The American Dream. John Steinbeck shows his audience individuals who constantly face one problem after another. Moreover, he describes people of America who struggled a torrid time through selection of the fittest, especially the discriminated.
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